Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Presentations and Farewells!

This week was the class's final week within 'Issues in Publication and Design'.
Previously I have posted the draft of my exegisis coupled with information on the artefacts I have created on Emily Post (1922) etiquette.
There were some amazing work created and shown to the class on monday. I was somewhat impressed. These included a door which had been painted light blue to follow the theorists we have studied design principles. This had framed images and text tacked to it explaining and demonstrating "Door" etiquette. This student was voted the best out the class and received a chocolate as a reward!
There were alot of films and audio created to demonstrated people's 'babies' or textual interventions on Post's work. Many were highly humorous.
I feel my presentation went well. Sadly the audio would not load, however the short film I had made featuring sock puppets seemed to entertain the class, and I feel the tenancy agreement stating 'my baby' of house sharing etiquette and the 'Mr Funny' poster met the graduate qualities of the artefacts.
I must say that this has been quite a unique course overall. I'm not sure if I am a born 'designer' at all but it was most certainly interesting, and I hadn't realised prior how much thought went into delivering the message to the audience using formatting, fonts etc. Fonts even have there own term 'typography,' it is definately more involved than I had initially thought.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the presentations, they were very creative, unique and imaginative. The artefacts presented also demonstrated each student's style and their personalities shone through, which was really nice as a conclusive lesson.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog, it is the first I have created, which again has been a unique and new experience for me.

All the best,

Foxy Cleopatra

Week 10- Editting

My apologisies this has not been broadcast earlier the activities seem to be lost I'm afraid.

This week in “Issues in Publication and Design” the class was given lengthy and grammatically incorrect sentences to shorten, restructure and edit. The purpose of this was to give the students practise on how to edit others work, notice grammatical and spelling errors and demonstrate that similar- sounding words can have very different meanings.
I have copied and pasted those activities, please see below. The correct word is written at the conclusion of the sentance in capitals.

Choose the correct spelling in the following sentences

1.      Please let me know if (there/their) are any reports left to edit. THERE
2.      Please wait (there/their) for your orders. THEIR
3.      (They’re/their) efforts to address the inconsistencies went unnoticed. THEIR
4.      She was the harder worker (of/off) the (to/two). OFF TO
5.      The lecturer went (of/off) to teach in Dubai. OFF
6.      They should (of/have) known better. HAVE
7.      The exam was (to/too/two) difficult for the new students. TOO
8.      The students were (to/too/two) nervous to read the questions carefully. TOO
9.      She went (to/two/too) close the door and stood (too/to/two) close to the dog.  TO TOO
10.  Most students know when (its/it’s) time to hand up their assignments. IT'S
11.  The leopard cannot change (its/it’s) spots. ITS
12.  The dog knew (its/it’s) (master’s/masters) voice. ITS MASTER'S
13.  The group is not hungry because (it’s/its) had (its/it’s) lunch. ITS ITS
14.  We all need to (accept/except) the things we can’t change. ACCEPT
15.  I give all students feedback (accept/except) the (ones/one’s) who won’t (accept/except) it. EXCEPT ONES ACCEPT
16.   Can we get your (advise/advice) on how to proceed with the proposal? ADVICE
17.   The manager will be able to (advice/advise) us on which strategy is best. ADVISE
18.   The CEO and the general manager (compliment/complement) each other in their  
  approach to staff management. COMPLEMENT
19.   The guests were full of (compliments/complements) for their host. COMPLIMENTS 
20.   He reported the incident to the head of (personal/personnel). PERSONNEL
21.    I agree with you in (principal/principle). PRINCIPLE
22.   The (principal/principle) feature of the building is its large staircase. PRINCIPAL
23.   Do you know (where/were) we are supposed to leave our assignments. WHERE
24.   This (semesters/semester’s) exams (were/where) very hard. SEMESTERS WERE

Insert the correct word in the sentence.

1. I shall complain to the head of ........................... (personnel/personal) PERSONNEL
2. I’m not ..................... to the idea. (adverse/averse) ADVERSE
3. The politician was not particularly ................. about the matter. (discrete/discreet)  DISCRETE
4. He refused to pay his ................... rates. (council/counsel) COUNCIL
5. I like most vegetables, but I loathe spinach and brussel sprouts. (loath/loathe) LOATHE
6. They agreed in ............... to the suggestion. (principal/principle) PRINCIPLE
7. I will ............... your letter to the chairman. (forward/foreword) FOREWORD
8. This wine would be a wonderful ............... to any meal. (compliment/complement) COMPLEMENT
9. To mark this ............ occasion, the Queen will give a speech. (historical/historic) HISTORIC
10. It’s a .................. issue, and I will not discuss it in public. (personnel/personal) PERSONAL
11. The newspaper article included an .................. to the PM’s scandalous past. (illusion/allusion) ILLUSION
12. The ................ should be written by an expert in the field. (forward/foreword) FORWARD
13. Our project is divided into .................. parts. (discrete/discreet) DISCRETE
14. The .................. will be reworked before filming begins. (scrip/script) SCRIP
15.  My music teacher told me to practise my ...................... (cords/chords) CHORDS
16. This is the .......... for my thousand shares in Telstra. (script/scrip) SCRIPT
17. These documents are of ...................... interest. (historical/historic) HISTORICAL
18. She will ................. the student before making any recommendations. (council/counsel) COUNSEL
19. It wasn’t real; it was all just an ................... (allusion/illusion) ALLUSION
20. Poor Bill had an .................. reaction to the flu injection. (averse/adverse) AVERSE
21. He paid her an unexpected .................... (compliment/complement)  COMPLIMENT
22. The school ................. spoke to the parents. (principle/principal) PRINCIPAL
23. I’m .............. to give him any more money; he will just waste it. (loathe/loath) LOATH
24. The child pulled out the telephone .............. (chord/cord) CORD

Below is a paragraph the class was asked to rework. I have rewritten mine in bold beneath the initial text.

Rework the following paragraph to improve its coherence and flow

Most people are familiar with the story of the sinking of the Titanic on April 14, 1912. Few people know that the Titanic was actually one of three sister ships of the British White Star Line. The ships were all built in the shipyards of Belfast, Ireland. The first ship to be launched was the Olympic. It was launched on June 14, 1911. The Olympic was three inches shorter than the Titanic. Their original designs were identical. The third ship was named the Britannic. It was initially named the Gigantic. It was renamed after the sinking of the Titanic. The Britannic also sunk. It sailed from 1914 to 1916, and it sank on its sixth voyage. Only the Olympic had a full career. It operated successfully from 1911 to 1935. The interior details of the Titanic and the Olympic were identical. Moviemakers and historians still study the many pieces of the Olympic sold when it was decommissioned to help them reproduce the Titanic.

Although most are familiar with the story of the Titanic’s sinking on April 14, 1912, few know that it’s one of three sister ships of the British White Starline, built in Belfast, U.K. The first launched was the Olympic, whose design was identical however 3 inches shorter, on June 14, 1911. The Britannic, which was originally named the Gigantic but renamed after the titanic sunk sailed from 1914 to 1916 and sunk on it’s 6th voyage.
The Olympic operated successfully from 1911 to 1935, and as it’s interior was identical to the Titanic, moviemakers and historians have studied pieces which were sold to attempt to reproduce the Titanic.

Until next time,



Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Old Spice Advertisement & Social Networking

This week, within 'Issues in Publication and Design' we discussed current media stories, social networking and issues of using Youtube links within adverts and whether there is copyright issues associated with the creator who originally broadcasted the video.

Our tutor used Old Spice cologne adverts which have been modified several times to demonstrate how a video can be adapted and changed over and over on the internet to create many different versions. This is turn questions the authenticity of the original material which is placed on the web initially. Even though many of these different versions are highly entertaining, is it a copyright issue?

Social Networking sites such as Facebook are within a similar category to Youtube. Whatever is posted to a social networking site is broadcasted material for anyone to use, yes the site can be set to private however the material can still be viewed and any individual is permitted to use the material without permission from the creator.
In turn, there has been occurances where vieos or imagery has been taken from youtube and used in advertisements in other countries. Is this legal? At this stage there are no International laws to prevent this from happening. It is suggestable that social networking and mass media has evolved so rapidly there isnt the societal structures to monitor or 'control' it's effects.

The final issue discussed within the tutorial is whether or not journalists who 'tweet' information regarding news stories should respond to reader's comments. In my opinion, no they should not, a journalist's role is to deliver news to the public in an objective fashion and seek not to influence the reader or state their opinion.

Until next time, cheerio!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Poet's Competition Poster- Redefined!

Good day,

The exercise asked of us in week 9 of ‘Issues in Publication and Design’ was to redesign a poster attracting poets of a University to submit their work to be published in their annual magazine.
To demonstrate the changes I have made I have attached the poster onto this entry. See to the right.

The main issue which I felt needed to be addressed with the original poster was the layout, formatting, font and colour scheme. Wheildon (1990) discussed that a ‘simple design’ which featured a thought provoking headline was the most effective means to grasp the audience’s attention. A sans serif font with a relevant image to follow the headline and article beneath was the easiest to follow structure to convey a message understood by the most viewers.
It is for this reason that the original poster has been changed into this structure. The blue and red text boxes made the text hard to interpret on first viewing, whereas the poster I have created gives the viewer a snapshot of all the relevant information, notice the bold, larger text.
The format also makes the document easier to scan and the font is easy to read.

The colour scheme was chosen to compliment the image and to give the poster a ‘romantic’ ambience, somewhat like the stereotype of poets.

Overall I feel that the poster I have created follows design principals to assist the message to be conveyed effectively to the target demographic.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Artefacts & Exegesis

This week I will be taking a further look and discuss my artefacts and exegesis.

Assignment two for 'Issues in Publication and Design' required each student to create a 'pack of three' artefacts containing a textual, visual and/or audio component, based on Emily Posts's Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home (1922).
The purpose of this assignment is for each student to demonstrate their creativity based on the theoretical principals learnt from Kress, Walsh, Reep and Parker. One artefact from the 'pack of three' is an etiquette and artefact the student has created themselves. Whereas the other two are using Posts's original work.

On a personal note the three artefacts are now finished. And the exegisis is in it's drafting process and I have attached at the conclusion of this post. The 'pack of three' features (as previously mention) my original "house-sharing etiquette.' The textual component of this is the etiquette itself written on a tenancy agreement. And the audio/ visual is a short film featuring sock puppets whom play the role of two flatemates discussing the etiquette of house-sharing on receipt of the tenancy 'house rules' in the post.

The second artefact is an adapted version of Post's 'Travelling at Home and Abroad' chapter, focussing on languages and accents. This is a voice recording of myself and a friend (whom speaks in a french accent) reciting Post's etiquette. With the following song in the background as I felt it was ironically relevant.

The third multimodal artefact is of a segment of Emily Post's 'communication' chapter titled "The Gift of Humor". This has been typed on a poster with Roger Hargreaves ‘Mr Men’ character ‘Mr Funny’ (1971) in the background. Again as I felt this is relevant. The follow is an example of this artefact. However it would not load correctly to the blog. But in the final product. The 'Mr Funny' image is the background to the text, which is situated on top.

The Gift of Humor
The joy of joys is the person of light but unmalicious humor. If you know any one who is gay, beguiling and amusing, you will, if you are wise, do everything you can to make him prefer your house and your table to any other; for where he is, the successful party is also. What he says is of no matter, it is the twist he gives to it, the intonation, the personality he puts into his quip or retort or observation that delights his hearers, and in his case the ordinary rules do not apply.
  Eugene Field could tell a group of people that it had rained to-day and would probably rain tomorrow, and make everyone burst into laughter—or tears if he chose—according to the way it was said. But the ordinary rest of us must, if we would be thought sympathetic, intelligent or agreeable, “go fishing.””                                        

(Emily Post 1922)

The exegesis draft:

 Issues in Publication and Design
Assignment 2:  Exegesis and Artefacts
By Rochelle Craker

The major project to be completed by students participating in the ‘Issues in Publication and Design’ course was to create three artefacts based on Emily Posts’ 1922 book entitled Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home. Design principles learnt throughout the course by theorists such as Reep, Walsh, Kress and Parker were to be applied to these artefacts. In the following exegesis, multimodality, the communication of images and texts, genre, decoding, semiotics, graphics, prose and the context of language will be explored in relation to these artefacts, and how they effectively deliver their message to the token audience
Emily Post was a well-known author and praised for her passion and knowledge on manners and etiquette, she stated, "Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use." (1922). These artefacts seek to promote Post’s passion and ideal of etiquette using textual interventions to make them better understood by the digital and media age we live in today.
The first artefact, dubbed ‘My baby’ is an etiquette based on house-sharing. This features a tenancy agreement with basic house sharing etiquette printed on it. This is the textual aspect of the artefact. In combination with this is a short film featuring sock puppets who discuss the etiquette on receipt of the tenancy agreement they receive in the mail, which is the visual and audio component of the artefact.
The second artefact is based on an abstract from chapter 37 of Post’s book entitled ‘Travelling at home or Abroad’ titled ‘Foreign Languages’(1922)  and ‘To Improve one’s Accent.’(1922) This artefact focuses primarily on audio featuring a taped recording of the text and the commercial pop song Yolander B Cool and DCup “I No Speak Americano” (2009) playing in the background.
Finally, the third artefact is an abstract from Post’s book, chapter 8, entitled ‘Conversations’, subtitled ‘The Gift of Humor’ (1922) and features a poster of
Roger Hargreaves ‘Mr Men’ character ‘Mr Funny’ (1971) with the abstract written in the forefront.
This ‘Pack of three’ artefacts demonstrate the visual, audio and textual components used in publication and design in modern society today. However to effectively grasp viewers’ attention, the designer must be aware of the audience’s meaning-making process. A reader will interpret a text based on their own cultural experiences, and, as stated by Walsh, therefore decode the message based on their “background knowledge of the world, of how language works and of how texts work as well as the recognition of discourses and ideologies.” (2006, p 24).In semiotic terms, the signifier must endeavour to deliver a message in collaboration with the audience’s preconceived knowledge or ideals.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Ipad and 'House Sharing Etiquette'

Hello readers,
today we will be looking at the 'Ipad' and the etiquette I am working on named 'House sharing etiquette'

The Ipad

The Ipad is a computer ‘tablet’ created by Apple. It’s marketed primarily on it’s media functions. Able to provide books to read and audio.
The IPAD has evolved as a result of the ‘I’ evolution. Beginning with the ‘Ipod’ followed by the ‘Iphone’ etc.
These aesthetically pleasing, streamline machines feature a touch screen, internet connect ability and copious amounts of ‘apps’ (applications available to be downloaded on to the device)
There has been mixed responses to the IPAD. Namely the overall response has been positive. Apple has an extensive fan base however, so it is hard to decipher whether the response from the public is bias or based on the product and it’s efficiency.

House-Sharing Etiquette

As mentioned previously, Emily Post is well-known author on etiquette. As an assignment I have been asked to create my own ‘etiquette’.
I have chosen to do this on ‘house-sharing’.
The assignment required the student to meet a textual, visual and audio component to the assignment. I have met this graduate qualities by writing the etiquette itself on a tenancy agreement and filming a short film, using sock puppets.
This will be featured on the blog at a later date. However as a ‘tit-bit’ below is some of my etiquette!
The assignment also required each student to write an exegesis outlining how we created our artefact (the model aspect of the etiquette- the tenancy agreement) as well as an outline of Emily Post and specific theoretical tools we have used to create our ‘etiquette’.
The draft of the exegisis will be featured on this blog at a later date.


General flatmate engagement

Flatmate Relations


Lounge/ Dining

Toilet/ Bathroom




When a flatmate returns from his/ her travels, greet with a simple “Hi how are you?” the detail and length of the response will signify whether the conversation need be continued. A short response establishes no, the individual wants space. Likewise if you do not want to engage in a lengthy dialogue, make up a truthful/ untruthful response and exit the room.

On retiring for the evening, if all flatmates are in the room with you, lounge for example. It is courteous to bid everyone goodnight. However should everyone be in bed. It is not advisable to knock on everyone’s door to wish them goodnight. This will be considered down-right unnecessary and annoying. When leaving the house the same ‘rule of thumb’ applies.

When leaving the establishment. It is almost always unnecessary to bid farewell. Unless going to the shop or some such, in this case it is courteous to ask if anyone requires anything.

Never ever come on too strong when moving into a flatshare. It is advisable within the initial month. To not overly engage, be too drunk, take drugs, or bring sexual partners home. This will paint an unsavoury picture of one’s self to one’s new flatmates.
It is also advisable that, if you are a loud, extrovert personality that within the ‘flatmate interview’ you portray yourself as vivacious and successful rather than the lout you may be. In this circumstance it is acceptable to lie or ‘embellish’ the truth a little.

After the initial month, you may relax these rules. However do not discuss the above mention lifestyle traits and act as if ‘all is fine’ at all times.

It is not advisable under any circumstance to sleep with fellow flatmates, nor advisable to develop feeling. This will not result favourably and you may be ‘kicked out the house.’
By all means break this rule and those of ‘general flatmate engagement’ if you want ‘off’ the lease.

One must  endeavour at all times to keep kitchen surfaces clean and hygienic.
If one drops a food scrap on the floor, one must immediately clean. This is simply common courtesy to fellow flatmates.
Dishes must be washed, dried and put away immediately after use. This is paramount to prevent confusion over whose dish is whose, and prevents one from doing more than what they need (God Forbid)
Cleaning of the stove must be done when it appears dirty. If unsure what constitutes ‘dirty’ give it a wipe regardless. Likewise for the floor.

Do not dirty or leave belongings in the lounge room. This is unsavoury for other flatmates entering the lounge room after you.
Be sensitive of cultural difference and traditions, if one enters and a fellow flatmate is praying/ cleaning toes etc do not disturb nor critisise. This is after all there right.

Also known as ‘risk-territory.’ We never really know what happens in here, and nor do your flatmates want to know. This also applies to belching and farting. Keep it quiet and do not discuss. Male flatmates must put the seat down on completion of bladder movements. And a fragrant air-freshener must be used to mask any offensive odours.
Keep all toiletries on your designated shelf.
Lock the door at ALL times

Pay ALL bills and rent on time.
When living with fellow smokers, one must politely ask if the other would like to join you for a cigarette. Smoking must be done outside at all times. Ashtrays must be kept in an orderly fashion. Cigarettes are not to butted on the floor no matter how drunk one may be.

Offer foods which you can spare to flatmates. It is important to offer food occasionally to appear generous, however do not make this a regular habit as it will be expected. Also remember in a flatshare you must give without expecting anything in return. As you may not and this may lead to resentment.
Many a flatmate will endeavour to live in a flat- ‘share’ as selfishly as they possibly can.
Many individuals are also picky and pedantic this may also appear the same to those whom are easy-going and less ‘anal’. The best way to handle this is to not discuss. Just do not do anything or give anything that may lead to one feeling resentful.
Likewise never ever steal… Unless it is something someone will not notice is missing, it is vital that one is 100% positive of this prior to taking said food stuff.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Importance of Etiquette


Good day readers, This week in 'Issues in Publication and Design we learnt of Emily Post.

Emily Post was an American born author on etiquette, born 1872- 1960. She wrote regular journalism columns and authored three books. The class will be focusing upon

Post was passionate about good manners."Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use." (Emily Post)

Post attended a finishing school. Although did not begin writing for magazines much later on, after her divorce and he sons were old enought to attend boading school.

Emily Post also made short films to educate individuals on etiquette. An example of this is:

Etiquette has evolved and changed over the yearsand is now quite different to the books Emily wrote. However the importance of manners is still current and practised in everyday social situations. The following are links to websites. Which offer a modern day example of etiquette and manners in society.

Our major assignment will be based upon Post's etiquette, using textual intervention the students will be creating their own 'etiquette'. Stay tuned!

Post, E. 1922, Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home, Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York, ch. 1, accessed through URL <>

Friday, August 27, 2010

Introducing Media Gates!

Hello and welcome to Media Gates!
I am Foxy Cleopatra and will be documenting my experiences, activities and education during the course 'Issues in Publication and Design' I do hope you like it! Happy reading!

Media has changed and evolved drastically since the introduction of the 'Internet' or 'World Wide Web'. Obviously news, gossip and current events travel faster than ever before and with the introduction of 'blogs' anyone can be a writer. Nearly all of us in the Western World have access to the internet to some degree, for this reason we can all have a blog, which gives us an opportunity to exercise our opinion, express ourselvesand be a part of the media. Before this it was just journalists and communications professionals.
Blogs have proven to be very popular with a new one being created every 3 seconds! Blogs even possess a viral quality courtesy of the linking of blog to blog and people whom comment and are a visitor to the site.

The history of blogs has not been accurately recorded and is likely 'heresay', however the following is a breif account of the evolution of blogs:
1971- Les Earnest creates the finger protocol, which was then became the official standadrd in 1977.
1994- Justin Hall, a Swathemore student, begins compiling lists of links at his site, which continues for 11 years.
1997- The first person to call his blog a 'blog' was Jorn Barger of

Blogs are used not only for individuals to creatively express themselves, but also for a business to gain exposure or promote products or events. Blogs for businesses also give customers the opportunity to respond. Celebrities use blogs as well as TV and radio stations.
Blogs are a user friendly, informal method of mass communications and are quite effective. Although it has been said that with the evolution of media and the internet books will 'die out' and literacy will become less and less. This, I think we will just have to see!

Lisnes: Information, Knowledge and Wisdom, 'History of the First Blog'

Kirkpatrick, D et al, 2005 'Why There's No Escaping The Blog,' vol 151 no 1, Academic Search Premier